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Send to Topic Brick

PurposeLearn about the various configurations and parameters required for the Schedule Brick to function correctly.
Last updatedAugust 05, 2024

What is the Send to Topic Brick?

The Send to Topic Brick acts as a bridge between two applications in the Raven Portal: the Playbook App and the Flows App. This Brick facilitates the seamless transmission of information from a playbook to a flow.

Webhook Brick configuration supporting video

Send to Topic Brick Parameters

  1. Label: In this section of the configuration pane the user is able to provide a name for the Brick.

  2. Topic: This parameter specifies the "Topic" or source brick within a particular flow to which the information will be directed.

  3. Template: Create a schema detailing the structure and format of the data sent to the topic, and specify the source of this information.

When the template rendering results in an array, each item within that array will be individually sent to the designated topic. This means that instead of sending the entire array as a single entity, the process will iterate through the array, extracting each item one by one and dispatching them separately to the topic.

It utilizes Jinja2 with a jsonify function.

  • Example: {{variable | jsonify}}

For more information on Jinja2 syntax follow link below:

Learn more about Jinja2

Send to Topic output format

In this section of the documentation the user will learn where are the outputs of the brick stored and its format.

  • No output is passed to the next brick in the sequence.