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Implode Brick

PurposeLearn about the various configurations and parameters required for the If{{expression}} else Brick to function correctly.
Last updatedAugust 05, 2024

What is the Implode Brick?

The Implode Brick gathers multiple messages together and output them as an array. This approach involves collecting several individual messages and presenting them as a cohesive array, which simplifies the management and processing of grouped data.

Implode Brick Parameters

  1. Label: Section where the user can provide a name for the brick.

  2. Selector: The path or item targeted for implosion specifies the specific data source or element that the brick consolidates into a unified output.

    • Example:

      • {{user.username}} Whithin this user look for username.
      • {{}} Whithin this user look for email.
      • {{}} Within this user look for bio.

The syntax or format used for the configuration follows Jinja.

For more information on Jinja syntax, follow the link below:

Learn more about Jinja

  1. Template: In this section of the configuration pane the user specifies the schema for how information will be structured or formatted after it has been merged together.

    • Example:
    "username": "{{ %user.username }}",
    "email": "{{ }}",
    "bio": "{{ }}"

The syntax or format used for the configuration follows vector remap language.

For more information on VRL syntax, follow the link below:

Learn more about VRL

  1. Max amount: provide in numerical value the maximum amounts of messages to implode

  2. Wait duration: provide how much time is the brick suppossed to wait before continue to action

  3. Delay until: If wanted the brick action may be delayed until a specific time. For this use a Cron function.

    • Example:
    ┌──────── minute (0 - 59)
    │ ┌──────── hour (0 - 23)
    │ │ ┌──────── day of the month (1 - 31)
    │ │ │ ┌──────── month (1 - 12)
    │ │ │ │ ┌──────── day of the week
    │ │ │ │ │
    │ │ │ │ │
    0 9 * * *

Implode Brick output format

In this section of the documentation the user will learn where are the outputs of the brick stored and its format.

  1. Name of variable: implode
    • Format:
      • data (Dictionary): An array of dictionaries of data going through the Brick.