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Forms User Documentation

PurposeTo gain a better understanding of Forms, how they work and what they can do for you read the following documentation.
Last updatedMarch 03, 2024

What are Forms

Form Bricks are employed to manually trigger the Playbook. They operate by connecting the output and dragging the arrow to the new Brick.

There are two ways of creating Forms. The first one is by going to the Form App and selecting the "ADD FORM" button. This will open a tab called "Form editor" where you can:

  1. Name the Form
  2. Add a description
  3. Incorporate different components based on what the Form is meant to accomplish

Form components

Here is a compilation of all available components you can use within your Form:

  1. Textbox: Allows us to write down the short texts in them.

  2. Multiline texbox: like Textbox component does, can be used to enter large text pieces as well.

  3. Date picker: Used to select a specific date from the calendar.

  4. File Upload: Provides the ability to upload files from your local device.

  5. Markdown: A markup language that is lightweight so that you can format the text via its simple syntax. Markdown module provides an option to format text styling.

  6. Divider: Visual element utilized to break down different sections or inner parts in the Form.

  7. Image: A functionality that empowers the users to add pictures direclty into the Form.

Setting up a Form

To set up a Form, copy the URL shown on the pane that opens up when the brick is added and paste it into a new tab. Then, fill out the Form and save it to activate it.

The second way to configure Forms is by tasks, which is a way to set up Forms automatically from another software (like Python). You can add a task in two different ways, the first one would be by clicking on the three dotted button located at the top right corner of each Playbook in the main pane, the second way would be by adding "/tasks" after the webpage URL, for example:{PLAYBOOK_ID}/tasks

This will take you to a new tab showing:

  1. All tasks within the form

  2. Node where the task is located

  3. Status: Is the task running, paused or is there an error

  4. RunAt: which tells when the task is supposed to run

  5. CreatedAt: tells you when the task was created

By clicking on a specific task, you can see the progress of the tasks and subtasks. At the same time, next to the name of the task, we can see some icons which, when clicked, will show the configuration and data going through the tasks.

These tasks are very useful for debugging since they show what is happening in the Brick.

Forms can be shared with different users by sending the form URL.