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What are Bricks and their categories

PurposeThis guide will provide a deeper understanding of Bricks, mentioning its different types and offering direct links to their official documentation for more information.
Last UpdatedMay 14, 2024

What are Bricks??

In the Raven Portal, we use Bricks to organize the flow of information across the various Apps provided by the Portal. These Bricks act as building blocks, linking together to create a pipeline structure. Depending on their category and type, these Bricks can be applied to different purposes, and this documentation will provide a detailed explanation of their functionalities.

Categories of Bricks

Bricks serve various purposes within the Raven Portal. There are five primary Categories of Bricks:

  1. Fusion Flow Bricks

  2. Action Playbook Bricks

  3. Fusion Mesh Bricks

  4. Insight Pane Bricks

  5. Insight Detection Bricks