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Brick Management

PurposeImmerse yourself in this guide to discover Brick Management and its different versions. Gain insights into both iterations of Brick Management and understand the key distinctions between them.
Last UpdatedJuly 19, 2024

About Brick Management

Brick management is a section of the portal where you can create, manage, and configure Bricks within Workflows. Currently it involves two distinct versions, v1 and v3, each serving specific purposes within the Portal. At the moment the two versions are separate, but they will be merged in the future.

Brick Management (v1)

V1 focuses exclusively on creating, configuring, and managing Fusion Flow Bricks.

Access to this section of the Portal depends on permissions.

Creating a new Brick

  1. Select the ADD BRICK button located on the top right corner.

  2. Provide a name.

  3. If desired, provide a description (optional).

  4. Select the base brick or core brick as the foundation for your new brick.

Managing Bricks

in the main interface the user will be able to see all previously created Bricks, to manage them click on the desired Brick. This will open up a window with three different sections:

  1. Brick: Provides general information about the brick, including:

    • Created at: The date the brick was created.

    • Name: The name of the brick.

    • Description: If provided, this field displays the description of the brick.

    • Type: The type of brick.

      For more information on Fusion Flow Brick types follow link below: Learn more about Fusion Flow Brick types

    • Base Worker: Displays the name of the foundational Brick used to create this one.

  2. Versions: Allows the user to see all created versions of the Brick.

  3. Permissions: Allows the user to select the different teams that will have access to the Brick.

    The user can only select from teams they are already part of.

Adding a new version of the Brick

Select the Add New Version button in the top right corner. This will open a window where you can edit the brick's general information, configurations, and parameters. Once you have made the necessary changes, click the SAVE THIS VERSION button in the top right corner.

Brick Management (v3)

V3 is designed for creating, configuring, and managing all other Brick types beyond Fusion Flow Bricks.

Access to this section of the Portal depends on permissions.

Creating a new Brick

Select the CREATE BRICK button located at the top right corner. This will open a window with two main sections:

  1. CONFIGURATION: In this section, the user can provide the following information:

    • General: Here you can provide general information about the brick, such as its name, description, and category.

      For more information on brick types, follow the link below: Learn more about Bricks and their categories

    • Configuration: Allows the user to specify the different parameters shown in the front end for users to fill in and use the brick.

    • Parameters: Different types of bricks may require different parameters to function. Here, you can configure them by providing:

      • Name
      • Title
      • Description
      • Type
      • Default value
    • Documentation: Here, the user can provide or link any relevant documentation.

  2. <> CODE: In this section, the user can provide the Python script that defines the Brick's functionality.

To save the Brick select the SAVE button located at the top rights corner.

Managing Bricks

In the main interface, you will be able to see all previously created Bricks. To view a specific Brick, click on it. Each Brick has a three-dotted button at the far right corner, which allows you to:

  • View the Brick
  • Delete the Brick
  • Create a new version of the Brick

Once you have selected a specific Brick to manage, a new window will open with two main sections:

  1. GENERAL: Provides general information about the Brick.
  2. VERSIONS: Displays all created versions. Here, you can decide which version of the Brick is active by clicking on the three-dotted button on the far right and selecting Make Active.

You will be able to see which version is active by the icon shown in the version column, as illustrated below:

Creating a Mesh Table

In the top right corner, you will find some buttons:

  • SHARE: Allows you to set the privacy of the Brick.
    • Public: All teams have access to the Brick.
    • Private: Allows you to select specific teams that will have access to the Brick.
  • FORK: Allows you to create a copy of the Brick.
  • NEW VERSION: Allows you to create a new version of the Brick.
  • DELETE: Deletes the Brick.
  • BACK: Takes you back to the main interface.

Main difference between v1 and v3

Management in v1 has one main difference from v3. In v1 the process initiates from "base Bricks," which can be any pre-existing Fusion Flow Brick. The common practice involves utilizing core bricks such as python-source-ng, python-transform-ng, and python-action-ng as the foundation for new brick instances.

To extend these base Bricks you "pre-fill" configuration fields and add the new parameters. The majority of cases involve specifying dependencies and the script field. After this, new parameters are easily integrated into the script.

This approach ensures that Fusion Flow Bricks within the v1 framework are not only constructed on existing foundations but also customized to specific requirements through parameter additions and configuration adjustments. In contrast, v3 Bricks are all created from scratch.