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Creating and managing Playbook Bricks in Brick Management

PurposeThis documentation outlines key factors to take into consideration when creating and configuring Playbook Bricks.
CreatedNovember 21, 2023

To create a Playbook Brick in Brick Management, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings.
  2. Select Brick Management v2.
  3. Click on the "CREATE BRICK" button located at the top right corner.
  4. Fill in the necessary fields.

About Playbook Bricks

Playbook Bricks help with the automation of tasks within the workflow. In the following sections you will find the different dependencies needed to create your playbook Brick.


Ensure the following dependencies are available:
from playbook import BaseBrick, RoutedTask
# If you are using Secrets:
from rivendel import Secrets

Base Brick

The BaseBrick class provides a foundation for Playbook Bricks. Any Playbook Brick class should inherit from this base class.

Adding Parameters

To customize Playbook Bricks, create a Brick class derived from the base brick and introduce parameters. Parameters can take different forms, including string, boolean, Secrets, and more.

rivendel Library

The rivendel library is the primary import library for the management of Playbook Bricks.


Playbooks yield routed tasks, including session ID, events, state, and variables. With this feature they are able to provide insights into the ongoing state and variables.

Class Methods

Initialization Method (init)

The init method initializes an instance of the Playbook Brick class.

class Brick(BaseBrick):
def init(self, config):
self.config = config
  • Parameters:

    • self: The instance of the class being created.
    • config: A parameter representing the configuration settings for the Playbook Brick. It is passed to the method when a new instance of the class is created.

run Method

The run method defines the logic of the Playbook Brick. It takes a task parameter along with optional in_nodes and out_nodes. The method performs validation on task.event based on a JSON schema loaded from self.config.schema. If the validation passes, it returns a new RoutedTask object.

def run(self, task, in_nodes=[], out_nodes=[], *args, **kwargs):
import json
schema = json.loads(self.config.schema)

validate(instance=task.event, schema=schema)

return RoutedTask(
  • Parameters:

    • self: The instance of the class that the method is being called on.
    • task: A parameter representing the task for the Playbook Brick. It contains information such as session ID, event data, state, and variables.
    • in_nodes (optional): A list of input nodes, which are used for defining the input dependencies for the task.
    • out_nodes (optional): A list of output nodes, which are used for defining the output dependencies for the task.
    • *args and **kwargs (optional): These allow the method to accept a variable number of positional and keyword arguments, respectively.
  • Returns:

    • The method returns a RoutedTask object, which is an instance of the RoutedTask class. This object encapsulates the result of the Playbook Brick's execution, including session ID, event data, state, variables, and output nodes.

Data Management

Playbook Bricks are responsible for overseeing the flow of data, both incoming and outgoing. They define the structure of input and output data, ensuring an easy data flow within the workflow.

Example of Playbook Brick

import json
from jsonschema import validate
from playbook import RoutedTask, BaseBrick

class Brick(BaseBrick):
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config

def run(self, task, in_nodes=[], out_nodes=[], *args, **kwargs):
schema = json.loads(self.config.schema)
validate(instance=task.event, schema=schema)
return RoutedTask(

def next_nodes(self):
return {}

# The following example showcases a Playbook Brick designed to validate JSON data.
# If the validation succeeds, it passes to the next task.
# The `run` method performs the validation based on a JSON schema, and the `next_nodes` method
# currently returns an empty dictionary as a placeholder for defining next nodes.