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Merge Brick

PurposeLearn about the various configurations and parameters required for the Merge Brick to function correctly.
Last updatedAugust 02, 2024

What is the Merge Brick?

This Merge Brick brings the results of several tasks together into a single outcome. It makes it easier to manage and understand all the important information in one place, helping you to work more efficiently and make better decisions.

Merge Brick Parameters

  1. Label: This is where the user can provide a name for the brick.

  2. Max wait duration: This parameter lets the user decide how long the brick will wait for tasks before it continues to merge them.

  3. Merge type: In this section of the configuration pane, the user selects the type of syntax for the merge, ensuring that incoming data is properly validated.

    -Two types of templates are available for selection:

    Vector remap language


For more information on VRL and/or Jinja2 syntax follow links below:

Learn more about VRL

Learn more about Jinja2

  1. Template: In this part of the configuration panel, the user utilising VRL specifies the template or schema that dictates how the data will appear after it has been merged.
  • Example: {'titleofdata': %data.subsection}

For more information on VRL syntax follow links below:

Learn more about VRL

Merge Brick output format

In this section of the documentation the user will learn where are the outputs of the brick stored and its format.

The output variables may vary depending on the input brick providing the data, here are some examples:

  1. Name of variable: python

    • Format:
      • from (String): The sender's information, including the name and email address.
      • to (List): List of recipient email addresses, each represented as a string.
      • subject (String): The subject of the email, which contains text and may include special characters or emojis.
      • message_id (String): A unique identifier for the email message.
      • content-type (String): The MIME type of the email content and the boundary used to separate different parts of the email.
      • headers (List): A list of header objects, each representing an email header.
      • parts (List): A list of parts, each representing a section of the email content.
  2. Name of variable: merge

    • Format:
      • pageshotUrl (String): The URL of the screenshot taken of the page.
      • subject (String): The subject of the email, which contains text and may include special characters or emojis.
      • links (List): A list of objects, each representing a link and its corresponding pageshot.