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Mesh Table

PurposeExplore this guide to discover what is the Mesh Table and how to create one.
CreatedSeptember 29, 2023

What is the Mesh Table

Mesh Tables Use Python Bricks to fetch data for Table creation.

You can configure the behavior of the Table in Brick Management and specify its data source.

One main difference between Flow Table (Parquet) and Mesh Tables is that the Mesh Table dynamically grabs data from the workflow and the Parquet Table has to index it first.

Mesh Tables Supporting video

Creating a Mesh Table

Steps to create a Mesh Table

  1. Go to the Raven Portal's "Settings" and select "Tables".

  2. Click the "Create Table" button in the top right corner.

  3. Fill in the form with the following details:

    • Alias (name for referencing the table)
    • Description (optional)
    • Table Type (choose "Mesh Table" for Python tables)
    • Brick (select from the list)

    Once you choose a brick, additional options become available:

    • Main: The file containing the code for creating the table

    • Class Name: Name of the class responsible for creating the table within the chosen file

    • EventStore (optional)

    • Secret

      for more information follow the link below:

      Learn more about Secrets

    • Schema: Specify column details, see below for schema attributes

Schema Attributes

Define the schema for your table with these attributes:

  • name: Column name

  • nullable: Specifies if the column can contain null values

  • dict_id: Required for certain packages like pyarrow

    set to 0 if not needed

  • dict_is_ordered: Required for certain packages like pyarrow

    set to false if not needed

  • data_type: Data type of the column

Supported data types:

  • Utf8 (for strings)

  • Int64 or Int32 (for integers)

  • Float64 or Float32 (for floating-point numbers)

  • Boolean (for boolean values)

  • {"Timestamp":["Unit","TZ"]} (for timestamps)

  • Unit (unit used for float value conversion, e.g., Day, Hour, Minute)

  • TZ (optional timezone information)

  • metadata (additional metadata for the column)

Example schema structure:

{ "fields": [ { "name": "<Insert column name here>", "nullable": true, "dict_id": 0, "dict_is_ordered": false, "metadata": {}, "data_type": "<Insert data type here>" } ], "metadata": {} }`

Now that we have provided all the necessary information we can proceed to press the "CREATE TABLE" button, and there you have it! you have created your first Mesh Table.