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Flow Table

PurposeExplore this guide to discover what is the Flow Table and how to create one.
Last UpdatedAugust 20, 2024

What is the Flow Table

The Flow Table retrieves data from an already created Brick and provides transformation capabilities letting you "transform" the information being retrieved.

Transforms use VRL language, for more information on VRL follow link below:

Learn more about VRL

Flow Tables Supporting video

Creating a Flow Table

Steps to create a Flow Table

When creating a Flow Table, you'll need to provide the following information:

  1. Topic: Indicate the data source from which your Flow Table will pull data.

  2. Transform: Specify the transformation methods that will be applied to the data within the Flow Table if needed.

  3. Schema: Define the structure of the data and how it should be organized.

  4. Pick a Schema: This function is used to establish a mapping for the schema.

Only two types of Table configurations are shown because those are the two tables not using Brick Manager which is at the moment for internal use only.

Creating and Managing Transformations

To create and manage Transformations:

  1. Go to "Settings" and navigate to "Brick Management v2."

  2. Click the "Create Brick" button to configure a new brick. Provide a name, description, type, and optionally add Python code by selecting the "code" pane and clicking "Add new file."

  3. Save your changes by clicking the "Save" button in the top right corner.

To explore the capabilities of a particular transformation brick, navigate to the code section of Brick Manager V2.


Flow Tables automatically create a column called @rowid, These are unique identifiers given by the system to events within the topic under consideration and their @rowid numbers correspond with the sequence of the occurrence of the event. The first event is given @rowid 0, The second event is given @rowid 1 and so on and so forth for the next events. This numbering makes events correspond with their occurrence in the topic and hence are arranged in order.